EUROPEAN MIGRANT CRISIS : Growing risk to EU unity ??
BRUSSELS - A rift over Europe's response to the sudden arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees is leading some in Brussels to voice fears for the future of the European Union. The 28-nation bloc is torn between solidarity and security as governments struggle to cope with an influx of people fleeing war and oppression in Syria, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa , which is fuelling a political backlash in many countries. " What was unimaginable before is possible today - that is the disintegration of the European project," Frans Timmermans, the European Commission vice-president coordinating EU action on the migration crisis, told the Friends of Europe think-tank. Mutual mistrust among EU governments has reached alarming levels , say old Brussels hands who are used to frequent past crises.
NEWS REPORT - Reuters ( October 25 , 2015 )
PROPHECY INSIGHTS - The Syrian crisis is not only destabilising the Middle East. It is not only bringing the two super powers into a proxy war. It is not only polarising the hatred of Saudi Arabia and Iran. It is also causing crisis and division within Europe. It is doing so because of the millions of refugees that have been caused primarily due to the Syrian conflict. There are poor nations within Europe that just do not want to take these refugees in. There are other nations who are insisting they must. The whole European project as we know it today is shaking because of this crisis. The fear is that the Russian involvement in Syria will actually only make the refugee crisis worse. The Bible says that ' 10 nations ' will come together at the end and ' give their sovereign power ' to what was once the Holy Roman Empire. This crisis may bring this about.
REVELATION 17 v 12-13 - “ The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. "
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