JERUSALEM VIOLENCE FEARS : UN alarm it could ignite region
ISRAEL - The U.N.'s Mideast envoy warned Tuesday that clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in and around Jerusalem's holy sites have the potential to ignite violence well beyond the walls of its old city, pointing to " a vicious tide of terror and extremism " in the region. Nikolay Mladenov urged all parties to refrain from " provocative actions and rhetoric " and called on political, community and religious leaders to ensure that visitors and worshippers " demonstrate restraint and respect for the sanctity of the area.” He told the U.N. Security Council by video link Tuesday that the clashes followed " sweeping restrictions " that Israel imposed on entry to Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site, the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, on August 26. Since then, he said, Israel has banned members of Muslim and Jewish groups considered to be extremist.
NEWS REPORT : Associated Press ( September 15 , 2015 )
PROPHECY INSIGHTS - The violence around Temple Mount has caused the UN to make a statement calling on Israel to allow access to all Muslims. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the latest escalation at holy sites in Jerusalem and other violence, including the stone-throwing incident that led to the death of an Israeli man, " once again underscored the importance of reaching a final status agreement through negotiations on all issues, including arrangements for the holy sites that are acceptable to all.” King Abdullah of Jordan was quick to condemn the violence on the mount. Israel allows the monarchy to act as custodian of the Muslim holy sites ; Abdullah temporarily recalled his ambassador from Tel Aviv in protest after the closure last year. If the “ provocations ” continue, he warned on Monday, “ Jordan will have no choice but to take action, unfortunately.” We know that all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle. The UN is right in this regard – these clashes really do have the potential to ignite violence beyond its walls.
ZEPHANIAH 3 v 8 - " Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey : for my determination is to gather the nations , that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger : for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy."
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