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VATICAN DEFIES THE ALMIGHTY: Pope decrees State of Palestine

ROME - The Vatican's decision to recognize the ' state of Palestine ' in a treaty for the first time has drawn a stern response from Israel , but it may usher in a freer debate in Europe about how to proceed on the vexed Palestinian question. The Holy See has referred to Palestine since 2012, but the treaty concluded on Wednesday, which covers the Church's activities in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority, marks a more formal recognition, which Vatican officials said they hoped would benefit Israeli-Palestinian ties in time. An Israeli foreign ministry official described the Vatican's move as a " disappointment " & indicated that it may lead to reprisals , although he did not say of what kind. " This does not promote the peace process and a Palestinian return to negotiations," the official said. " Israel will study the agreement & consider its next steps accordingly." The Vatican - increasingly proactive in foreign policy under Pope Francis - is far from the only state to have recognized Palestine -- 135 members of the United Nations already do so, nearly 70 percent of the total. By comparison , 160 of the UN's 193 members recognize Israel. Last October , Sweden became the first major European country to acknowledge Palestine , a decision that drew condemnation from Israel & has since led to tense relations between the two.


PROPHECY INSIGHTS - The Vatican's recognition of the ' State of Palestine ' is a ' landmark in world history . . . more particularly it is a long-prophesied ' tipping point ' in Bible Prophecy. It is ' the catalyst ' that ' WILL ' set in train dramatic global events that will wreak havoc among the nations & all mankind. The recent & unprecedented escalation of ' chaos & violence ' around the globe has been shocking , but this Vatican treaty recognising Palestinian Statehood ( in defiance of God's eternal promise of the Holy Land to His people , the Jews ) will trigger apocalyptic events that will sweep the globe - all clearly foretold in God's Word.

The old testament prophecy of Daniel speaks of this latter-day Roman king - clearly identitied as a religious figure by multiple allusions , all characteristic of the Catholic Papacy !!! The prophecy speaks of this self-willed ruler , of his false practices & ungodly decrees , even against the God of gods ( ie. Palestine Treaty ) & of his coming ' alliance ' with a new strange ' god ' ( Russian ' Gog ' ) whom he will honor & increase as together they devise a grand plan to rule over many people & " divide the land " ( of Israel ) " for gain ". The prophecy specifies the period of these ( " the time of the end " ) & the ' geo-political ' flash-point that will precipitate the Russian-led invasion of the Middle East. The Vatican's Treaty recognising ' Palestine ' surely is a final sign-post for the faithful , as we await the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

DANIEL 11 v 36-41 - And the king ( Catholic Pope ) shall do according to his will ; & he shall exalt himself & magnify himself ' above every god ' , & shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods , & shall ' prosper ' till the indignation be accomplished : for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers , nor the ' desire of women ' ( priestly celibacy ), nor regard any god : for he shall ' magnify himself ' above all. But in ' his estate ' ( Vatican ) shall he honour the God of ' forces ' : & a ' god ' ( Russian ' Gog ' ) whom his fathers knew not shall he ' honour ' with gold & silver & with precious stones & pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a ' strange god ' ( Russian ' Gog ' ) , whom he shall ' acknowledge & increase with glory ' : & he shall cause ' them ' to rule over many & shall divide the land ( the Holy Land - Israel ) ' for gain ' . . .

. . . v40 And at the ' time of the end ' shall the ' king of the south ' push at him : & the ' king of the north ' ( Russian ' Gog ' ) shall come against him like a whirlwind , with chariots & with horsemen & with many ships & he shall enter into the countries & shall overflow & pass over.

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